Adem TONAY @

Automating Sequelize Model Synchronization

Feb 18 · 6mins

Managing database models in a Node.js application often involves keeping them synchronized with the database schema. This process can become cumbersome, especially in larger projects with multiple models. In this article, we’ll explore how to automate the synchronization of models using TypeScript, path manipulation, and filesystem operations.

Understanding the Challenge

In a typical Node.js application, database models are defined as classes or objects representing database tables. When changes are made to these models, it’s essential to reflect these changes in the database schema. Manually synchronizing each model with the database can be time consuming and error-prone, especially as the number of models grows.

The Solution: Automated Model Synchronization Script

To address this challenge, we can create a script that automatically synchronizes all models with the database. Let’s break down the script step by step:

import path from 'path'
import config from 'config'
import fs from 'fs'
import { SyncOptions } from 'sequelize'

export default async function syncModels(options?: SyncOptions): Promise<void> {
    // Fetch current environment
    const currentEnv = config.get<string>('server.env')

    // Determine file extension based on environment
    const fileExtension = currentEnv === 'development' ? '.ts' : '.js'

    // Read all files in the current directory
        .filter((file) => {
            // Filter out unwanted files and select files with the correct extension
            const returnFile =
                file.indexOf('.') !== 0 &&
                file !== path.basename(__filename) &&
                path.extname(file) === fileExtension

            return returnFile
        .forEach((file) => {
            // Import the model dynamically
            const model = require(path.join(__dirname, file)).default

            // Synchronize the model with the database

Handling Model Imports

In the past, developers commonly used sequelize.import() to load model definitions from separate files. However, this method has been deprecated see more. Instead, I recommend using native import statements or require().

// CommonJS
const ProjectModel = require('./path/to/models/project').default;

// ES Modules
import ProjectModel from './path/to/models/project'

Wrapping Up

By automating the synchronization of database models with the database schema, we can streamline the development process and reduce the risk of inconsistencies between models and the database. This script offers a convenient solution for maintaining data integrity in Node.js applications.

Feel free to integrate this script into your Node.js projects and adapt it to suit your specific requirements. Happy coding!
